Saturday, August 28, 2010

Invest to earn and save our ancestral heritage homes

Dear Goans,

Over the last few years we have seen many ancestral properties have changed hands. There could be many reasons why Goans are forced sell the properties to non-Goans. One major reason, people do not have resources for the upkeep of this properties. Many of us are shell shocked to see these heritage houses falling in wrong hands whose primary interest is to double the investment and then again sell it to the highest bidder.

If we Goans think these ancestral heritage belongs to Goans than we have to come forward to save it for our future generations. Merely complaining and criticising will not bring any results. Hence I hereby appeal to all Goan brothers resident and non-resident to come forward to be a part of 'one of its kind unique project' to save our ancestral properties. This initiative is to restore the ancestral properties to its grandeur, showcase our Goan heritage to tourist, support local communities, create community wealth and many more.

This is a proposal to convert ancestral properties into Goan Heritage homes managed by Goans with authentic Goan traditional touch.

The main objective of this project

i. To save ancestral properties.

ii. Provide investment opportunities to Goans.

iii. Create and provide job opportunities to Goans.

iv. Create community wealth instead of individual wealth.

v. Promote heritage tourism.

vi. To involve local communities as partners in supply chain.

The beneficiaries will be Goan sons of the soil (resident and non-resident) with no limit on people participation in this unique one of its kind project. However, there will be individual investment cap (minimum share and maximum shares) this will eliminate majority control by any individuals*.

This will be People Partnership Project (PPP) and the contribution will be community based. The investors will elect board of directors, and board of directors will put in place management team. Management team will be sons of soil. Hiring of local youth and encouraging local farmers to produce and supply organic farm produce to the heritage homes. The local artisan and curators will be employed in restoration works of the properties.

It will ensure the properties are restored to its grandeur without being sold. The original owner can still be part of the project without selling the property by signing long term lease MOU. This unique 'one of a kind project' will be showcasing the true spirit of Goa. This unique project will foster eco-friendly traditional way of living. The investors, property owners and employer will be equal partners hence it will People Partnership Project (PPP).

This is a clarion call all Goans on the eve of WORLD GOA DAY 2010 wherever you are to be a part of this unique project to save our heritage. The general meeting of investors/stake holders is tentatively scheduled to be held in Goa early January 2011. Kindly express your interest by dropping a line The core committee will be formed shortly to chalk out plan for first general meeting after evaluating investor response.

Let's not ask what Goa can do for us, but ask what we can do for Goa.

PS: This is an appeal message to get people on board and not to solicit funds for the project. No financial transaction will be conducted prior to general body meeting of investors/partners.

*Project fine tuning will be done in consultation with all stake holder before registration of the company/corporation.

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